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Learning Sciences, Assessments ???? PFL, Rich Duschl ???? AERA Sessions - Get Papers, Skills - Hierarchies?, Explicate Complex Thinking Skills, Review Lit, Alternate Pathhways Assessments, Disciplinary Thinking should guide how Learning Progressions are developed. History Sam Weinburg, INTERDISCIPLINARY THINKING? What is out therre in terms of Lit? vs See Joan's EMail, Assessments ???? PISA - New, Disciplinary Thinking should guide how Learning Progressions are developed. History The craft of History - Carr, Disciplinary Thinking should guide how Learning Progressions are developed. Learning Progressions Leone Schauble, Rich Lehrer - using DBR, Technology Simulations Thinker Tools, FIND Reeading for this week. WIKI - look into - Drue OUTCOMES - READING Lists OUTCOMES What do we want to get out of this. Drue - Familiarity on Key Readings - Assessment and Disciplinary Annotated Bibiliography - post on Wiki Connections - elaborated upon - how do they connect and why it is important
Appropriate Assessments for Reinvigorating Science Education by Bruce Alberts at GLEF
Partnership for 21st Century Skills - Repository
MSPAP website - shows what they learned during its 1993-2002 run. Complex problem asked to demonstrate skill and abilities in several different content areas.
Appropriate Assessments for Reinvigorating Science Education - GLEF Aritlce by Bruce Alberts
Appropriate Assessments for Reinvigorating Science Education by Bruce Alberts (GLEF article)
Calipers (SRI)